If you or a colleague missed it the first time, fear not… we are reprising our Sexual Harassment Training for clients who missed our in-person seminar on this topic.

WHEN: August 18, 2010, 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
SPEAKERS: Ronda Jamgotchian and Jason Kearnaghan, Sheppard Mullin 
WHERE: From any computer anywhere via WebEx.

COST: This is a complimentary program for our clients. Since this webinar is meant to function as a "make-up" class, we will allow up to 10 attendees from each company. Our online registration limits you to 4 attendees, if you would like to register for more than 4 attendees please contact Melissa Omphroy, momphroy@sheppardmullin.com or 415.774.2997.

Protect Yourself and Your Company Against Sexual Harassment Claims

The best way to protect yourself and your company from damages resulting from a sexual harassment claim is by providing a formal, mandatory sexual harassment training program for supervisors and all employees.

What is Sexual Harassment?

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission defines sexual harassment as "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature."

Why Provide Sexual Harassment Training?

California law requires employers in the state with 50 or more employees to provide two hours of mandatory sexual harassment training for all supervisors, which are broadly defined as employees who have any supervisory authority.

Sheppard Mullin’s Labor and Employment attorneys are offering a two-hour online Sexual Harassment Training Program that fulfills this legal requirement.

This Sexual Harassment Training Program complies with AB 1825 rules and will address the following topics:

*       Definition of sexual harassment
*       Prohibition against and the prevention of sexual harassment
*       Conduct that constitutes sexual harassment
*       Remedies available for sexual harassment
*       Strategies to prevent sexual harassment
*       Practice examples, hypotheticals
*       Complaint procedures
*       Resources for victims of sexual harassment
*       Effective workplace investigations
*       Training for supervisors accused of sexual harassment
*       Essentials of an anti-harassment policy

The program is presented through WebEx using PowerPoint, lecture, interactive discussion, hypotheticals and a post-seminar quiz to illustrate sexual harassment issues.

Completion Certificates will be distributed only to attendees who have registered for and attended the full two-hour webinar.

We will be offering this training webinar three times a year, so keep an eye on sheppardmullin.com
and our Labor & Employment Law Blog (https://www.laboremploymentlawblog.com) for upcoming dates.

Questions? Contact Melissa Omphroy at momphroy@sheppardmullin.com or 415.774.2997.

HRCI CreditThis program has is pending approval for 2.0 hours toward PHR and SPHR recertification through the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI).  Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP is an HRCI Approved Provider (valid through December 2012).

MCLE Credit:  This activity complies with standards for Minimum Continuing Legal Education prescribed by the California State Bar and is approved for 2.0 hours of MCLE credit.  Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider.