On January 1, 2021, various new and amended employment laws will go into effect in California. Below is a summary of some of these laws that employers should make themselves aware of heading into the new year.  All laws discussed in this post go into effect on January 1, 2021, unless otherwise noted.
Continue Reading New Employment Laws to Look Out for in 2021

On December 20, 2016, in a 9-4 vote, the Washington, D.C. Council passed bill B21-0415, The Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015.  The bill establishes a universal paid leave system for individuals who work in the District of Columbia (“the District” or “D.C.”) and businesses operating in D.C.  It will be effective after Mayor Muriel Bowser’s signature, inaction, or, if vetoed, a Council override, and a 30-day Congressional review.
Continue Reading D.C. Council Passes Expansive Family and Medical Leave Bill

In late October, President Obama signed into law a bill that increases protections for families of military personnel who wish to take leave from work under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 ("FMLA"). The new amendments expand on changes implemented less than a year ago requiring that certain employers provide unpaid leave for qualifying family members of military personnel:Continue Reading Family and Medical Leave Act Further Helps Military Families

The Department of Labor has released a new required poster regarding two recently created types of military family leave.  On January 28, 2008, President Bush signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008 ("NDAA").  The NDAA amends the Family and Medical Leave Act (the "FMLA") by creating two new categories of military family leave.  Section 585(a) of the NDAA provides for a 12 week "qualifying exigency" leave and a 26 week military caregiver leave.Continue Reading A New Department of Labor Poster Has Been Released Concerning Military Family Leave

On October 9, 2007, Governor Arnold  Schwarzenegger signed into law a bill requiring California employers to allow spouses of members of the Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves to take up to 10 days of unpaid time off while the military spouse is on leave from active duty during a period of military conflict.  The law is effective immediately.Continue Reading Effective Immediately: New California Law Requires Leave for Military Spouses

The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (“USERRA”) of 1994 is a federal law that protects the job rights of and ensures reemployment of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment positions to undertake military service (including veterans, reservists, and National Guard members).
Continue Reading Military Leave Amendments And New Posting Requirement Now In Effect