On September 13, 2019, the California Senate and Assembly unanimously passed an amendment to the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) that places onerous obligations on employers and entitles employees to statutory damages for data breaches.  The landmark measure—AB 25—awaits Governor Newsom’s signature (or veto).  Regardless of whether AB 25 is signed into law, CCPA applies to employee data and employers have until January 1, 2020 to comply.  This article explores how the California Consumer Privacy Act impacts existing employee privacy rights and how employers can begin to develop a holistic privacy compliance program.
Continue Reading Employee Privacy by Design: Guidance for Employers Beginning to Comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act

California Assembly Bill (AB 450) is a bold move by the State Legislature to enter the I-9 arena – an area that has long been recognized as within the domain of the federal government. The Bill was signed by Governor Jerry Brown in October 2017 and becomes law on January 1, 2018.

The Bill amends the state Labor and Government codes and requires California employers to perform various notifications to their employees if U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) audits the company’s I-9’s.
Continue Reading A Solution in Search of a Problem: The California Legislature Imposes Duties for Employers When ICE Audits Your I-9s